Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Easter Bunny is Coming!

What a busy weekend! (We seem to have a lot of these!)

On Thursday night, Grandma Perry came to town so we could help celebrate her birthday!

Happy Birthday, Grandma!

For her birthday, we got her tickets to go and see Jerry Seinfeld on Friday night. Frank, Grandma, and I all had a blast! After the show, we went and ate at a great seafood place we love to treat ourselves to. Tyler got to stay home with babysitter Katie (whom he loooooooves!).
The good news is, is that Katie had NO DIAPERS to change! We are accident free and 100% potty all the time during the day (Phew! Finally! I was thinking he was going off to college with them!).

On Friday, Tyler, Grandma, and I all went shopping for goodies for our Easter baskets. The day was planned so that we would also make a stop at the Easter Bunny in the mall. Tyler flat out refused. I do not blame him, either. For some reason, the bunny reminds me of Billy Madison. Didn't a bunny chase Adam Sandler around? Anyways, back to our topic. After I finally was able to make up my mind about what to get everyone for Easter, we were off to our home to rest for our big night out.

The rest of the weekend was spent playing, shopping, and resting. Frank had team dinner on Sunday, so we had some free time. Grandma, Tyler, and I headed back up to the mall (the reason why escapes me at this point!). We saw the East Bunny again and Tyler still refused (being the good mommy I am, I didn't push it, he still looked REALLY freaky!). HOWEVER, on the way out of the mall, Tyler said, "Mommy, I want to see the Easter Bunny." I said "Okay." And off he went! He was great! He walked right up, turned around, sat on the bunny's lap, and took a great picture! All for $19.99! What a deal! Unfortunately, there are none to show you, the very nice people at the Easter Bunny asked us to refrain from personal photography.....
I must stop now, it is getting late and I have to remember the rest of the weekend. Now I know what my supervisee said today when she told me she is part of the CRS group....


Heather said...

Ooohhh...I'm so mad, I just posted a long comment that Blogger LOST! Grr...I'll try to re-create it...
Happy Birthday, Grandma Perry!! What a great b'day, too...Seinfeld, AND spending time w/ your darling grandson (oh, and your wonderful daughter and son-in-law, too)!
What are you talking about w/ your last sentence in your post?...you lost me.

Lisa said...

Sounds like it was the weekend to visit the Easter Bunny all around! Kylie went right to him (which is a bit concerning since yes the one at our mall was a bit creepy looking too!) and poor little Peyton couldn't voice her protest even if she wanted to. We ended up with an adorable picture of them both after waiting in line for 45 minutes, feeding Peyton, Pete taking Kylie around the whole mall while the rest of us held our place in line, etc etc etc...and all for $24.99 (hey, what's with the price gauging by the Easter Bunny for us Illinois folks?!) Tell your mom I said Happy Birthday!

Ty's Mommy said...

The CRS group-- Can't Remember Sh**

Pigtail Mama said...

I'm sure that your mom had a great birthday, thanks to all of your efforts! :) Happy Birthday, Grandma P!