Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Sometimes you just have to write these things down. So I am. Enjoy!

Last Thursday, I was getting ready for work and Tyler popped his head into the room. I was watching the Today Show and it was getting ready to go to commercial. Up on the screen a picture of Billy Mays was posted and the announcer said "Coming up in our next half hour, the products behind the man, Billy Mays". I guess Tyler was watching the screen because he looked at it, cocked his head to the side, looked at me and said very seriously "He's dead. He died. That's sad." Huh?
Tonight at dinner, we were talking about table manners and that burping at the table was not good manners. The conversation evolved into other body noises. Frank and I were trying to explain to Tyler that when you have to toot, it is polite to do it in private or to go into the bathroom. Tyler looked at Frank and said "When you come in my room and sleep with me when I am scared, I smell your toots! That's not private!"
Tyler has been very into his Star Wars guys and movies for quite some time now. Tonight he pulled out his bin full of the guys and proceeded to set them all up. As he was doing so, he was humming a song. I could not figure out what it was. Then I figured it out! He was humming the "Imperial March" aka Darth Vader's theme song. Where did time go that he is so big and playing like this?


Heather said...

I read this at work. I laughed out loud at the second one. SOOO funny! Leave it to a kid to tell it like it is. He's getting so big too quickly!

Pigtail Mama said...

Oh, these are great!!