Monday, July 7, 2008

Tag, I'm it!

Thanks to all my great friends out there who tagged me to do a Meme. It has taken me awhile to do it but part of the time I was trying to just figure out what it was! So here goes!

Three Things.....

THAT SCARE ME: death, heights, big spiders
I LOVE: my family, the beach, sports (Green Bay and IU)
I HATE: people who are above the law/rules, paying bills, work (all these are kind of related, hmmmmmmmm)
I'M DOING RIGHT NOW: working(!), watching the clock, and eavesdropping on my staff
I CAN DO: be creative, cook, bargain shop
I CAN'T DO: relax, balance the checkbook (sorry dad!), try on only 1 outfit in the morning
THAT ARE MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE FOODS: anything Chinese, ice cream, veggies
SHOWS I WATCHED WHEN I WAS A KID: Facts of Life, Eight is Enough, Diff'ent Strokes

I am tagging my only 2 blogger buds left who haven't done it..... Lisa and Amee!