Friday, January 16, 2009

Burning Down the House

Tonight Frank dropped Tyler off at my work so we could go out on a mommy and Ty-ty date. I work in a very "open" office environment and very few people have their own office. This is the conversation as Frank dropped Tyler off:

Frank: "Tell mommy what happened at school today."
Tyler: "There was a fire!"
(At this point I thought to myself, "Self, there is no fireplace at school...." and "He is standing here with a smile, so I know he is safe!")
Me: "Please explain!"
Tyler: "We made cookies and there was plastic in the oven and then there was stinky smoke all over the house and baby Jakey cried."
Me: "What happened?" (At this point other people had joined in the conversation a) out of sheer terror for me, and b) to meet Frank and Tyler. Sometimes you never get a second chance to make a first impression!)
Tyler: "We went into the living room and watched Elmo and Katie put powder on the fire!"

To make a long story short, there was a lot of smoke, no flames, and a bunch of cookies that were still eaten by everyone despite the burnt plastic in the oven!

Needless to say, we spent a lot of our mommy and Ty-ty date night talking about fires at home and how to stay safe and what to do. For a four-year-old Tyler is very versed in what to do in case of an emergency. I can only hope that other kids out there are as smart as he is!

There has been a lot of talk about the pilot from the USAirways flight in New York. I have to think Tyler's teachers, Katie and Ellie, had some of the same teachers that guy did. They did an excellent job with the kids and I now know (not that there was ever a thought in my mind!) that Tyler is super-safe with them during the day! Thanks, Katie and Ellie!


IUgirl78 said...

I'm glad everything was okay! I also love how your re-telling of the story...especially your conversation with your "self!" :)