Friday, October 2, 2009

A Birthday Letter to my Baby

Dear Tyler,

Today you are five years old. In no way could I have imagined what five years would have been like. Sometimes, as a mommy, you wish you had enough time in the day to stop, record things with the camera, camcorder, or just by writing things on paper. However, you keep us going, and I have to enjoy every minute I am with you, good or bad!

This year was a big year for you. You played hockey, t-ball, and soccer. You started preschool at Green Valley. You travelled all over the states of Massachusetts and Connecticut and drove to Indiana for the third time in your short life. We watched daddy's hockey team make it to the Final Four in Division One hockey. You went to your first of many Islander hockey games. You are about ready to experience a World Series title by the Yankees and can point out Brett Favre in any uniform!

Your personality is what makes you who you are. You are smart, inquisitive, polite, independent, loving, happy, and a joy to have in my life every day. You say silly things and you say sweet things. Your teachers, Katie, Ellie, Mrs. Fitzpatrick, and Mrs. Torkington all love to have you with them. You are a good friend to everyone and you love to help with the babies.

I can hardly wait to see what the next five years will bring. I really do not want them to fly by as fast as these first five have, though! You daddy and I both love you more than you will ever know. From the minute we found out that you were in my tummy to now, we have never stopped loving you. Happy birthday, big boy! But remember, you will always be my baby!
