Sunday, July 11, 2010

Block Party, 2010!

We recently decided that this summer was flying by without too many road trips. Our summers are usually spent traveling from one place to the next each weekend. Our lack of traveling is not without good reason, of course. Some days, the thought of just driving to work is just too much!

This weekend the Fagan's Block Party was scheduled to take place. The plan was for Frank to drive Tyler to Long Island for the Block Party on Saturday, stay the night, and come back to me, or for Frank to drive Tyler to Long Island for Sunday and then come back. Tyler was going to stay the week with his cousins. In between all these decisions, Tyler also had a pool party to attend. What to do, what to do? Well.... it ended up being very easy to decide when it started pouring out around lunch time on Saturday and the pool party was cancelled. What did we all decide? (Notice I said we!) We decided to hop in the car and surprise everyone on Long Island!!!!

After grabbing some lunch and heading south, we had to stop for the first bathroom break. Ironically enough, it was not at the request of the pregnant lady! Frank pulled off the road in a business area (aka no McDonalds's/fast food/gas stations visible) and found an empty parking lot.

By the time we arrived to the Block Party, the rain had stopped on Long Island as well. Tyler made no waste of time joining his cousin and their friends on the amazing slide that was there. Of course there were a few adults that gave it a whirl too, but their pictures shall remain hidden ;)!

Everyone had a fantastic time and they were all definitely surprised that we all showed up and so early in the weekend. Frank and I decided to take advantage of the beautiful Sunday the next day and we stayed the day, swam, watched baseball, ate dinner, and then hit the road... the kids also took advantage of grandma's wallet and the ice cream man:
After dinner, Frank and I hit the road... without my first born! I know that he has a great time with his cousins, but the thought of coming home each night and not being greeted by him, well, that's hard! However, Frank and I have a long list of "to-do's" to complete, including finishing the nursery. Until next weekend, Tyler!


Pigtail Mama said... the picture of the, bonding? Watering the lawn? Yeah. Too funny! Sounds like a fun party!