Sunday, March 29, 2009

Holy Name Learn to Skate

Done. Finished. Over. After countless Sunday's in the rink, Tyler had his awards ceremony this morning for Holy Name Learn to Skate. I can not believe that my four year old hung in there for over six months of hour long practices. He is amazing.

When we started in September, Tyler was using a walker to get around on the ice. After a few weeks, he found his legs and some confidence, and lost the walker. I can only hope that his confidence continues to flourish as easily as it did during this experience!

Frank joined Tyler on the ice for their last practice together. I am sure there will be many more to come! The director introduced each group and had them demonstrate some of the skills they had been working on for the past few months. He also reminded the parents that it takes dedication to come week after week for six months. Until he said that, I did not realize we had been coming for many, many months!
A shot of Tyler completing his favorite drill-- skating with a tennis ball! I would have to think that is something I am not coordinated enough to do!
Lining up for one last race...
After practice, we all met in a warmer room at the rink. Each child (near 75) was called up by name and given a medal, a certificate, and a hockey patch. Tyler heard his name and stepped right up to collect his things. It's times like these that I realize he is not such a young guy any more!

I couldn't resist the chance to take a shot of him with his awards. We are both so proud of him and are looking forward to many more accomplishments!