After many years of time flying by, I was finally able to embark on the world of Halloween crafts, which I thought I would share here. In my free time, I love to decorate and recreate ideas I have seen online or in magazines.
My first mission was to recreate these ghosts from a Lowe's magazine. A friend at work brought it in to share with my and thought that I would like to copy them. Needless to say, she was right:
These ghosts were very easy to make. The most difficult part was locating the tomato wire cages in September! I also tracked down Christmas lights (not difficult, especially since the beginning of school is synonymous with Christmas!) and old sheets. I used a Sharpie for the eyes and mouth. I wrapped the lights around the cages and fastened them with twist-ties and draped the sheet over the top. As a precaution against the elements, I also sewed the sheet to the cages to prevent fly away sheets!
At night, they glow in the yard and I have gotten many compliments from neighbors! They will be a great asset on Halloween to brighten the house up!

My next project were my spider web pumpkins. I also saw these in a magazine, but
unfortunately don't recall which one! The magazine featured these made using real white pumpkins, but wanting to have them again for next year, I opted for fake pumpkins that I painted white. The spiders are rings with the backs cut off and a Sharpie marker made the webs nicely:

Very easy 'BOO' pumpkins. I was able to track down small while pumpkins to use and pulled out the Sharpie once again:

I saw a picture of a really neat Halloween wreath online one night. During one of my many trips to Michael's, I came across some small Halloween decorations and put them to good use. I stretched spider web material across the wreath, glued centipedes, mice, and spiders to the wreath and completed the look with 3 skeletons glued to the bottom:

My final project was something I made for a friend. She saw a picture of
this pumpkin in a magazine and I told her I would be happy to attempt it for her. Warning: it was not easy and there were minimal directions included in the magazine
description. Always up for a challenge and never daunted by a task, I kept at it until it was complete:

With Halloween almost over, I am now on to Fall/Thanksgiving crafts!
Stay tuned!
You SEWED the sheets to the cages?! I'm impressed! I didn't know you had it in you, Martha! Nah, I'm kidding, I always knew you were creative. Seriously, I'm VERY impressed that you SEWED!
Those all look great! Will you come and decorate my house, now, please?
So cool- LOVE the white pumpkins you then took to a whole new level-great job!! I'll be sending my order over to you for some of your creations to be delivered here in time for next year...
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