My baby is 5 today. Ye gads! Where in the world did the time go? I wish there was more time in the day just to soak up everything and make sure that I remember it all.... I guess that is why there are blogs, though!
After Tyler's big party the weekend before, his birthday was very mellow. Because I was scheduled to be out of town the night of his actual birthday, we decided to give him his gifts the night before.

I always remember being younger and taking my time when I opened my gifts-- you know, open them look at them, soak up each thing? Not Tyler! He ripped through each one, I caught a few shots, and this is what we were left with! I guess I should rest assure that he liked each one!

His "most
favortist" gifts were the baseball set and the hockey set (big
surprise!). He set them up on the living room floor and went right to each game-- Yankees versus Red
Sox and the Islanders versus the Fermi's!

The next morning was his actual 5
th birthday. I could not wait to get into his room and see how big he grew over night. After all, 5-year-
olds are a lot bigger than four-year-
olds, I was informed!

We greeted him with the best birthday breakfast Tyler could wish for! A birthday doughnut-- his favorite, double chocolate frosted from
Dunkin Donuts!

Happy birthday, Handsome!

When we arrived at Green Valley that morning, the teach made a crown for him and he got to wear it all day long!
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