Happy Halloween!
Halloween Day started as rainy, gloomy, windy, and .... warm! By mid morning, the thermometer read 70 degrees! Welcome temps on any Halloween Day! Tyler and I woke nice and early and decided to get right to work turning our pumpkin into a Jack-O-Lantern.While I cleaned this beauty of a pumpkin, Tyler worked on pictures of what the final project was to look like-- a face complete with ears, eyebrows, and arms and legs:
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween!
Posted by Ty's Mommy 1 comments
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Halloween Crafts
After many years of time flying by, I was finally able to embark on the world of Halloween crafts, which I thought I would share here. In my free time, I love to decorate and recreate ideas I have seen online or in magazines.
My first mission was to recreate these ghosts from a Lowe's magazine. A friend at work brought it in to share with my and thought that I would like to copy them. Needless to say, she was right:These ghosts were very easy to make. The most difficult part was locating the tomato wire cages in September! I also tracked down Christmas lights (not difficult, especially since the beginning of school is synonymous with Christmas!) and old sheets. I used a Sharpie for the eyes and mouth. I wrapped the lights around the cages and fastened them with twist-ties and draped the sheet over the top. As a precaution against the elements, I also sewed the sheet to the cages to prevent fly away sheets!
At night, they glow in the yard and I have gotten many compliments from neighbors! They will be a great asset on Halloween to brighten the house up!
Posted by Ty's Mommy 2 comments
Saturday, October 24, 2009
A night with the Isles
We are a hockey family. There is no denying it. Frank grew up with it, his dad loves it, and now, gulp, my son is following in their footsteps. Right down to rooting for the New York Islanders. My only prayer for my son is that he does not become a goalie!
This year, I decided to crash "Boys Night Out". If your remember last year, Frank and his dad took Tyler to his first Islanders game. I decided that if I was going to be searching for and buying the tickets, I was buying four! I sure am glad I did. Granted I was kind of a third wheel, it was wonderful to watch the boys take in all the sights, sounds, and smells of Nassau Coliseum!
We headed to Champions in the Marriott to have dinner before the game. We were lucky enough to get seats on the "ice" and by the "boards". The middle part of the restaurant is set up like a rink, complete with the blue and red lines. Tyler was so excited after his dinner that he got up and played some quick pretend hockey. Everyone around us was amused by this creative kid!
Posted by Ty's Mommy 0 comments
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Floor Potatoes!
Each weekend comes and we are off and running. Hockey, work, soccer, parties, trips out of town. You get the picture, right? This past Sunday we have hockey in the morning and then the remainder of the day at home. Because it was raining out, our choices were limited. Tyler decided he wanted to rent a movie to watch and Frank wanted a fire in the fire place.
While Tyler and I headed out to Blockbuster, Frank started a roaring fire. Unfortunately, Frank also wanted to watch football and since the fireplace can't be moved, the issue was raised: How do we watch football, a movie, and sit by the warm fire? Tyler decided that we should make a cozy bed on the floor and watch "Land of the Lost" using the computer! What a great idea! We all got to enjoy the fire, listen to the rain, eat yummy popcorn, and watch our shows.Really, it doesn't get any better than that!
Posted by Ty's Mommy 1 comments
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Fun at Collins Creamery
This year we ventured to Collins Creamery in Enfield, Connecticut to "pick" our pumpkins and buy our mums. What a find! The mums were huge and colorful and the pumpkins were bright and orange. Collins Creamery is also opened during the summer and features the most delicious homemade ice cream! How do I know? We sampled some, of course! Tyler was in Heaven, running in between the rows of pumpkins. Although Collins is not a true pumpkin patch, we still had fun "picking" our pumpkins.
Posted by Ty's Mommy 0 comments
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Under the Sea
Sometimes great ideas are just that-- great ideas. Nothing more, not meant to be carried out, and when they are, you find yourself exhausted and none the better than when you began!
When my friend Elaine proposed that we take the kids to the Mystic Aquarium Open House Night for educators, I thought it sounded like a great idea. And it was. It would have been a better idea if we realized that when you leave the house at 5P.M. to go through Hartford, Connecticut, that you will hit traffic, and despite the fact that Connecticut is a fairly small state, it still takes over an hour to get to the shore! The Open House was scheduled to run from 6 to 8P.M., with the last half hour as their presentation and Sea Lion show. We arrived at 6:45P.M.!
Despite the fact that we only had 45 minutes to race the kids around, they were able to hit up some of the better exhibits such as the Beluga Whales, Sharks, and tide pools. They were well behaved and they did not mind that they only had 45 minutes to spend wandering around. Thank goodness!Tyler and Olivia at the tide pool exhibit. One of my favorite things when we lived in California was to go to Dana Point and visit the tide pools. Always very cool and this is the closest Tyler will get to that-- for now!
Posted by Ty's Mommy 0 comments
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Blogging, Bears, and Babies!
It's October!
After weeks and month of no blogging and living our crazy life, my goal for the week is to catch up on everything that I have missed-- the MONTH of August, the FIRST day of pre-school, my birthday, and Tyler's FIFTH birthday! I have given myself exactly one week to finish all the half started posts I started along the way.
Easy, right?
On another note...
Tonight at bedtime, Tyler called for us a few times. Being the super doting parents we are, we both responded to the demands of "I just have to tell you something"... The last time we were upstairs, Tyler got himself comfortable and I asked him which stuffed friend he wanted to cuddle with. Being the super decisive child he is, I suggested a few. He chose the third one, a Boyd's Bear, girl, pregnant. I said to him "Good choice, you are going to cuddle with the pregnant mommy bear, look at her belly, that's where the baby is!" To which Tyler responded "How did it get there, did she eat it?"
I love this kid!
Posted by Ty's Mommy 2 comments
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Girls Gone Wild!
I must admit. The guilt as a mom at times is overwhelming. However, there are certain events that allow you to cleanse yourself of that guilt and start anew, refreshed. That certain event is a nice girls weekend. The conflict this year? Girl's weekend was scheduled for the weekend of October 2nd. The problem with October 2nd? It's my only baby's 5th birthday.
After waffling in indecision for a while, I finally decided to make the trek to Eagle Lake and hang with the girls for the weekend. And by Sunday, I was glad I had. Not simply because I proved to myself I was still holding my own in the "hanging" department (we stayed up until the 4-ish hour doing goodness knows what!), but I also could not wait to get home and see my baby! After all, absence makes the heart grow fonder!
On Friday night, the weather was very wet and rainy and a bonfire was out of the question. We chose instead to stay inside, play games, eat food, and talk. It was much needed! On Saturday? We slept until we woke up-- not anyone waking us up, ate, and lounged around. In the afternoon, we ran and got some dinner and then made our fire outside. It really could not have been a better day/weekend!After numerous shots with the self timer, we finally got an acceptable shot! Some people just did not know when to keep their eyes ope/stop talking/look at the camera. Not everyone has years of practice taking sorority girl pictures! From left to right: myself, Cortney, Laurette, Angela.
Posted by Ty's Mommy 0 comments
Friday, October 2, 2009
A Birthday Letter to my Baby
Dear Tyler,
Today you are five years old. In no way could I have imagined what five years would have been like. Sometimes, as a mommy, you wish you had enough time in the day to stop, record things with the camera, camcorder, or just by writing things on paper. However, you keep us going, and I have to enjoy every minute I am with you, good or bad!
This year was a big year for you. You played hockey, t-ball, and soccer. You started preschool at Green Valley. You travelled all over the states of Massachusetts and Connecticut and drove to Indiana for the third time in your short life. We watched daddy's hockey team make it to the Final Four in Division One hockey. You went to your first of many Islander hockey games. You are about ready to experience a World Series title by the Yankees and can point out Brett Favre in any uniform!
Your personality is what makes you who you are. You are smart, inquisitive, polite, independent, loving, happy, and a joy to have in my life every day. You say silly things and you say sweet things. Your teachers, Katie, Ellie, Mrs. Fitzpatrick, and Mrs. Torkington all love to have you with them. You are a good friend to everyone and you love to help with the babies.
I can hardly wait to see what the next five years will bring. I really do not want them to fly by as fast as these first five have, though! You daddy and I both love you more than you will ever know. From the minute we found out that you were in my tummy to now, we have never stopped loving you. Happy birthday, big boy! But remember, you will always be my baby!
Posted by Ty's Mommy 0 comments
The Big 5!
My baby is 5 today. Ye gads! Where in the world did the time go? I wish there was more time in the day just to soak up everything and make sure that I remember it all.... I guess that is why there are blogs, though!
After Tyler's big party the weekend before, his birthday was very mellow. Because I was scheduled to be out of town the night of his actual birthday, we decided to give him his gifts the night before.
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