For many years our summer trip has included a trip to the Children's Museum in Bloomington, Wonderlab. This year, however, we strayed a bit and included a ride to the Indianapolis Children's Museum. I had taken a quick glance at the website saw they have a Star Wars and dinosaur display and knew right away that Ty would have a blast there! After spending the night with the girls in Indianapolis, I was able to meet Grampy, Frank, and Ty downtown for our afternoon of fun!
Before we were even in the building, we had to stop for a photo op. Ty was in awe of the huge dinos on display outside the building. As I was taking this shot, a very nice woman offered to take a picture of all of us. I took her up on the offer:

As we entered the
building, Tyler kept looking up at the dinosaur heads peeking through the walls from the outside. He could not wait to enter into the display and see what else was there! First stop was the dinosaur r
oom. Tyler compared his big feet to a big
dino footprint. He quickly discovered that his feet are not as big as he thought! Wow!

The dinosaur exhibit also included an interactive area of plastic
dinos and a landscaped play table. Tyler had a wonderful time playing here and was met by his friends, Jack and Luke, who came with their mommy, Heather!
Grampy even joined in the play with a
dino of his own and before we knew it, kids were all around him wanting to play as well!

Soon it was time to see what else to museum had to offer. As
is often the story, the kids were feet ahead of us. We asked for them to stay together and they did:

In the Star Wars exhibit, Jack was quick to pose with a few of the
characters, by Tyler was not able to sit still long enough to have a picture taken. Excitement called, you know?

Grampy took some time to show the boys a cool interactive dinosaur computer program in one room. Hard to believe that these 3 boys could sit still long enough ;)!

Baby Luke, just like the evening before with the girls, was a trooper! Always happy, never fussing, and we were so excited to spend more time with him!

Because they are members, Jack and Heather treated Tyler and I to a ride on the Merry-Go-Round. Jack chose the black stallion and Tyler chose a stripped tiger.

One thing about Tyler? He loves the babies (a career in politics, perhaps?). He took a minute out off his exploring to pose for a quick shot with Baby Luke:

Jack, Luke, and Heather left after the Merry-Go-Round ride for nap time. We had a great time with them and were happy they could join us for our trip to the museum! We, however, still had some more exhibits to take in...

Tyler drove
Grampy around in a
Tuk. I am sure his driving was as good as some of those drivers overseas. I know firsthand... this was a mode of transport in Asia when we were there in the 80's!

Tyler and I on top of the giant alligator from the Nile exhibit. Hard to believe that somewhere in the world they are as large as this guy. I think I will keep to the shore if I ever make my way to that river.... Shortly after this shot, it was time to leave. I am not sure there was a stone we left unturned inside the Indianapolis Children's Museum! And
because of this? Tyler was fast asleep for the entire trip back to
Aw, great pictures! That was a wonderful afternoon! Thanks spending it with us. Jack and Luke had a GREAT time! We can't wait until NEXT TIME and Luke can't wait until he can get down and dirty w/ the big boys! Miss you guys!
LOVE the Indy CM! I'm glad that you had a great time. Maybe next time we can join you!
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