After many, many years of missing it, we finally made it to Long Island for the Holmes Street block party! Holmes Street is where Tyler's favorite cousin's live, Conor and Skylar. Of course he was psyched for the trip, but Frank and I were excited to go and have so more fun for another weekend!
At noontime, the block was closed off to cars. The kids hit the streets to play and not be yelled at by all the mommies and daddies! The boys arranged a baseball game, the girls hung out, and the parents started setting up for the party. People set up tents, grills, tables, and ping pong. It was quite a site!
One of the activities that was scheduled for the day was water balloons. Grandma got to work filling these up. A lot of them. One at a time. Ugh! Thanks, grandma! Skylar and Makayla supervised grandma to make sure they were done just right!

The kids were also treated to sand art by Aunt Laurette. The best thing about this
extremely messy activity? It was all done outside, in the street. When the kids finished their projects? We dumped the table over and the sand blew away! Skylar had the hang of it, taking time to fill her heart shaped container.The boys on the other hand?

Filled them up and shook them until they were "just right" and "all mixed up"!

After the block party officially started, a D.J. came and entertained the adults and the kids. First up? The egg toss! Once again, Skylar and
Makayla were first in line and even made it through a few rounds before their eggs met the pavement! The boys, of course, could not stop running around to take part in this activity.

What D.J. would not come without any prizes? Tyler was lucky enough to be chosen to stop the music during adult musical chairs and was given these cool shades as a reward! Unfortunately, this did not help his mommy at all! I lost my seat halfway through!

Frank and
one of our gracious hosts, Aunt Laurette.

It was a late night for everyone, not as late for the kiddos, though. Aunt Laurette helped us out and put Tyler to bed. I am not sure I will ask her to do that again, though.... (just kidding! Thanks Aunt Laurette!) This is how the kids awoke the next morning-- still in their clothes! After the kids hit the sack, the adults played beer pong until it started to pour and then we moved into the garage and hung out.

The next day was beautiful! We had decided earlier in the week to
spend the day and leave after dinner. This way we could make full use of the
Fagan pool. Just as Uncle Jim promised, it was a wonderful temperature and we all had a blast!

A little water logged, Eh?

The ice cream man made a visit to the block late in the afternoon. Tyler requested a p
opsicle. Needless to say he thoroughly enjoyed it! See the before shot above and the after below:

See all those marks on his shirt? Yep, you guessed it! Popsicle! His fingers and mouth matched the tasty treat long after it was gone. Thank goodness he was wearing a colored top! Shortly after finishing this yummy treat, we hit the road. Not long after that? Tyler was fast asleep until the next morning. You really could not ask for a better summer weekend!
This looks like SO much fun!! I want to live on Holmes street!
BTW...I like Frank's goatee!
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