On Saturday we traveled to Boston to visit the Children's Museum and have dinner. Tyler and I spent some time during the week looking at the website and talking about what he was most excited to see. He really couldn't decide between the Arthur exhibit and getting to see a wheelchair.... Luckily we were able to visit those must-sees and more!
Trying out Mr. Ratburn's desk in the Arthur exhibit. Future teacher, perhaps?

The light puzzle display... the concentration on his face was amazing! He had a great time making designs and pictures.

Ah-ha! The wheelchair! Tyler tried it out, moved himself around and even tried to turn himself around--- not at all easy! He was able to grab things off a high shelf with the special tools, as well. It was quite a hard concept for someone as young as he is that some people can't run need this chair.... but he tried to understand!

On the Bobcat, working hard!


Frank trying out the hard hat and orange vest. What do you think, hockey coach or construction worker?

Look, it's Bob and Wendy! What do you think these two will build today?

My two guys!

Tyler had a great time working in the Barber Shop. Gave me just what I asked for, high and tight! Always have to love a barber who listens!

Trying his hand in the beauty shop, as well. Frank was a good egg and served as Ty's model for awhile. Too bad the camera conked out right then (we'll get you next time, daddy)!

Hanging like the monkey he is!

Very similar to
Wonderlab in
Bloomington, there was a huge climber that extended up to the third floor of the museum. He has never ventured very far up the apparatus in the past. This time was very different! After navigating through the maze, Tyler was able to make it pretty high. Do you really want to know how high up he was?

That's his little head all the way at the top! I took this shot from the first landing, not even the ground floor. Needless to say, my stomach was doing flip flops from that little height! We were so proud of his for making it all the way! While he was up there, he called down to us and said "Now how do I get down?"
After spending three hours at the museum, it was time to go. The weather in Boston was not great, so we were not able to walk around and see more of the sights with Tyler. I talked to him a lot during the week about the "Make Way For Ducklings" statues, but we were not able to make it to the park. Instead we went and had a great dinner and agreed to come back soon!
Looks like you guys had a great time! I can't believe how high up he made it, you gotta love the stomach churns of a mom :) We miss you guys can't wait to see you this summer!!!
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