Today was Tyler's friend, Olivia, and her brother, Derek's, birthday party. Also celebrating his birthday was Trent, Livie and Derek's cousin. Olivia will turn 4 in a few days and Derek will turn 2 shortly after that. Their party was at a great place, Kid's Stuff, in Springfield. We had been there a few times before and were really looking forward to our return trip. With so much to do, all the parents knew bedtime would be a piece of (birthday) cake tonight!
The place is filled with games, very similar to Chuck E. Cheese. But cleaner. Less crowded. Everything that makes an afternoon more relaxing!

Tyler almost immediately gravitated towards the air hockey game. Not wanting
Livie to be at a disadvantage, I gave her some pointers to beat Tyler "I Love all Hockey Games"

The kids also tried their hands at some driving games. Kind of scary to watch in all honesty!

The BEST part of this place is the Laser Tag room.... After all the dads were finished with their games, we cleared the room for the 4 and under crowd. From left to right: Tyler,
Kiki, party-goer, Olivia, and Trent.

Tyler absolutely loved the game Frank was trying his hand at...
Jurassic Park. After anything hockey, anything dinosaurs goes!

After we were done with the party at Kids Stuff, we headed back over to the
Helberg's for a bonfire, cold drinks, and more fun. While Glen was starting the
fire, they were waiting patiently with their marshmallow roasting sticks.

Tyler chose to take the marshmallow from the stick to his mouth without roasting! Some day he will really know what he is missing!

Not to be left out, Derek tried his hand at roasting a few.
Needless to say, within a short time, all the kids were out! Tyler eventually fell asleep on the couch at the Helberg's and before you knew it, the rest of the house was quiet as well!
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