Sunday, December 20, 2009

Hockey with Santa!

Tyler loves hockey. He loves playing it, watching it, talking about it, and anything that has to do with it. Scratch that, he hates mascots and refuses to go anywhere near them. Last winter while we were at a Springfield Falcon’s game, he was very nervous about going inside to out seat because “Screech would be there”. A friend of mine told him that night that she had called ahead to the rink and told them to keep Screech away from Tyler. Thank goodness—it worked like a charm and now we can all relax and watch games!
But I digress.

This week in hockey a “special guest” would be joining the kids. Knowing that last year Screech, the Falcon’s mascot joined them, we were prepared! Luckily Tyler’s fear of costumed anything does not carry over to the jolliest of them all—Santa Claus! The kids took the ice and Coach Steve told them they would play a scrimmage for practice this morning. The kids were all very excited—usually practice is all about the drills!

The catch? Santa would be goalie! What a treat! (I guess I assumed there would be lots of ice at the North Pole, but when did Santa learn to skate and be a goalie and protect his shins?)

The kids had a ton of fun and I had a great time watching them. Tyler did awesome considering the only hockey games he has ever played are those that take place in my kitchen or in the basement. There were a few older and bigger kids out on the ice and Tyler made sure to show them who was boss and took them out a few times. I also could not help but think that bedtime tonight would be a cinch (and it was!).

After they were all done with their scrimmage, it was picture time with Santa. They took a group shot:
And a shot with Daddy:
By the way, if you are keeping track, this has got to be visit number 4 with Santa this year. I am sure he is not going to forget who Tyler is, what he wants, or where he lives!

I couldn’t pass up these shots afterwards. Tyler loves playing hockey and Frank loves that he enjoys it. Frank is out there every weekend on the ice with him, helping the other kids, and encouraging them for the hour. It is great to watch and sometimes even makes me forget that I am in a freezing rink in the middle of winter!
Frank and kis "Mini-Me" (in more ways than one!):