Thursday, April 30, 2009

Say What?!?!

On Tuesdays in the summer Frank plays in a pick-up hockey game. Usually Tyler goes with Frank early to the rink so he can hang with all the players in the locker room. This works well because I got to have a bit of ‘mommy quiet time’. I meet the later and Tyler and I watch a bit of the game before heading home.

On the way home, Tyler had a very good question:

Tyler: “Why were you late coming to the game tonight?”

Mommy: “I got there right at 7:30. Why was I late?”

Tyler: “Because you didn’t get to go in the locker room and watch the guys get dressed!”



Last night for dinner we had spaghetti with butter (what can I say, the 4-year-old runs the house!). During dinner we were all finishing our meals and Tyler began playing with his noodles. He took one and was pulling it through the tines of the fork.

Mommy: “Tyler, please stop playing with your food.”

Tyler: “Look, mommy, it’s a pulley!”

Mommy: ”What?”

Tyler: “A pulley. It goes up and down when you pull on it.”

At this point Frank and I were looking at each other in disbelief. Is he really only 4?


Tyler takes after Frank and I quite a bit. While we are not as necessarily as shy as we were growing up, we are by no means the life of the party, outgoing, and 100% out of our shells. Like a lot of other children, Tyler tends to be clingy in new situations, and his teachers made a comment one day that although he sits during circle time, he does not necessarily sing with the group. I guess you have to know what song to sing….

A few weeks ago, I walked into the kitchen to find Tyler standing, full hockey gear on, arms by his side, and swaying back and forth. Frank was sitting in the family room with the T.V. on mute (not a common occurrence!). I looked at Frank and he motioned to me to “Shhhh”. I put on my listening ears and quickly discovered why….

Tyler was singing the National Anthem. Turns out it was the start of the game, you know, when they sing the Anthem! This kid has some imagination. I guess his days or “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” and “Row, Row, Row You Boat” have been surpassed by such tunes as the “Star Spangled Banner” by Francis Scott Key. And gosh darn if he didn’t know the words!


Pigtail Mama said...

Aw, I'd love to see a video of him singing the National Anthem! I bet it was so sweet! I love the stories- what a sweet little (ahem, BIG) guy you have there!