This morning was Tyler's last Learn to Skate with Holy Name hockey. What can I say? The kid can skate. Next year, I have to hold my breath while I watch my son, on the ice, with other kids, playing games. Ugh. Thank goodness he is one tough cookie!
I loved this shot. The big and the little. It seems like just yesterday I was watching him on the ice with a walker. He used to skate, with the walker, to the far end of the ice and where the advanced group was. He would try and hold his own. Nowadays, he goes right there, warms up, grabs a puck and shoots on net. My little guy is getting big.
No one is prouder of what Tyler has achieved through this program than Frank. He is on the ice with him each week, rooting him on, there to receive high fives, and to push him when the attention is waning.

The smile under that face mask says enough. Let's face it, I can't fight this love!

The last class today consisted of each group, beginner, moderate, and advanced, showing off their skills to everyone in the audience. I did not get many shots, I was in charge of watching, taking still shots, and using the video camera! What a job. Below, Tyler is showing the crowd their warm-ups. His group also practiced passes, stick handling, and took shots on net.

The after picture. It has always amazed me at how much this five-year-old sweats!

After the on ice portion, the kids were treated to cupcakes and juice and were each called up to accept their certificate and medal. It is the little things in life that make this kid proud (okay, and his mom and dad!).

Who knows what next year really brings? The definite is that this kid loves hockey (I guess that erases all questions of who his dad is! ;) and that he will continue playing. Where though? We will see where that road takes us!
Where will the road take us? Pyeongchang in 2018!
Love, Grampy
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