This year we celebrated Christmas in Massachusetts with Frank's family. We were so excited to stay at home and host everyone for the holiday. It also meant a lot that they were willing to forgo their usual holiday traditions at home and bring their party to us! By lunchtime everyone had arrived and the kids were dying to start ripping into some gifts! First, I was determined to grab some family shots before things became too crazy.

After awhile, there was no holding them back any longer. We decided to let the kids open their gifts from Grandma and Papa and from the parents on Christmas Eve. This served a dual role: the kids had new toys to play with while we relaxed, cooked, and watched sports, and it meant that Christmas morning was saved for gifts from the big guy!
I thought this shot was kind of funny-- all the adults watching the kids rip into their gifts and documenting the occasion as good parents do!

Tyler's gift from us? Star Wars stuff, of course! We got him the Disturbance at Lars Homestead
playset, something he saw at Toys R Us one day and just
had to have!

After we were done with gifts, it was time to get ready for Santa's visit. We put out milk, cookies, and carrots inside for Santa and the reindeer, but we also wanted to make sure that the reindeer found their way to the house and the kids ventured outside to spread the reindeer food. Back inside, the kids put on their
jammies and proceeded to play Star Wars.

After a bit, dinner had settled and it was time for dessert. This year, Tyler and I made a Christmas tree birthday cake for Jesus. The kids sang Happy Birthday and blew out the candles and then it was time to eat again! We had this cake, chocolate chip cheesecake, sugar cookies, and a delicious peanut butter pie that my sister-in-law whipped up during the day. Yummy!

Right before bed, Frank read all the kids "Twas the Night Before Christmas". I had to capture the shot:

storytime, it was time for the kids to hit the sack. We waited until we knew they were all asleep and then we put our elf caps on and went to work.

For some people at 4
Brookside Circle, Christmas morning start very early-- like the 4 o'clock hour early. Cousin Conor woke very early and could not get back to sleep. luckily, Uncle Jim was able to distract Conor until after 6A.M. so the rest of us could be
coherent for most of the morning! As soon as the kids saw what Santa had done, they could not wait to get work!

As soon as the presents opening started, it was over! The kids were anxious to start playing, but also obliged to take a quick Christmas morning shot:

Amongst all the Star Wars toys, Transformer figures, and hockey stuff, Santa managed to come through with something else on the list this year:
Zhu Zhu Pets! Frank put it together (only took about an hour!) and the kids played with the
playset for a bit. Later in the
morning, I wandered into the living room only to find Papa, Frank, and Puck playing with it!

The day was very relaxing for all of us (thanks in part to the early rising that morning!). We rested and relaxed for most of the day and then cooked during the afternoon. The kids even dressed for the
occasion and once again obliged me with another picture.

Merry Christmas, everyone!
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