Is it us, or does Christmas last forever nowadays? We welcome it-- the longer Christmas lasts, the more friends, family, and gifts there are!
After a whirlwind celebration with Frank's family, my family came to town. We were looking forward to the visit and rest and relaxation, but it also meant one thing to Tyler-- more Christmas! He was so surprised to find that Santa paid a visit to Grammy and Granpy's house in Indiana as well as his home in Massachusetts.After we rounded up all the troops, it was time to sort the gifts and get to work! Tyler soon discovered that Santa is a very smart man and he knew just what Tyler wanted.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas, Round 2
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Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas 2009
This year we celebrated Christmas in Massachusetts with Frank's family. We were so excited to stay at home and host everyone for the holiday. It also meant a lot that they were willing to forgo their usual holiday traditions at home and bring their party to us! By lunchtime everyone had arrived and the kids were dying to start ripping into some gifts! First, I was determined to grab some family shots before things became too crazy.
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Sunday, December 20, 2009
Seven on Sunday-- Holiday Edition!
I am not really sure how to fit all the Genovese family craziness into the short amount of time I have, but here goes!
1. For the past 2 years I have "adopted" a child for Christmas from MSPCC, my former place of employment. Last year, I asked for a boy, close to Tyler's age, to purchase gifts for. I really wanted for Tyler to understand how lucky he is and to enjoy giving to someone in need. This year, I adopted to boys, brothers, ages 6 and 3. We went out a few weekends ago and bought Transformers and Toy Story stuff for them, along with other "must-haves"-- crayons, art supplies, balls, etc. We wrapped it all, labeled it and I dropped it off to the office this week. Here is Tyler helping to box it all up: 2. For weeks now I have been asking Tyler to write his letter to Santa. He finally decided that it needed to be done and sat down this week to write his own letter. We were so proud of him! What did he ask for? Transformers, hockey guys, and a television set with a remote control (?). We will have to wait and see what Santa decides to bring this year.
7. Saturday Tyler and I ventured into the world of Gingerbread House decorating. After hearing from people about how difficult it was to get the structure to stay together I was a little apprehensive about what the finished project would be. But I am happy to announce that we used ample frosting and allowed for lots of drying time and we were successful our first time around! Tyler had a blast once he got the hang of it and kept asking me "Can I eat this?" "Of course", I said-- that is half the fun!
Posted by Ty's Mommy 1 comments
Hockey with Santa!
Tyler loves hockey. He loves playing it, watching it, talking about it, and anything that has to do with it. Scratch that, he hates mascots and refuses to go anywhere near them. Last winter while we were at a Springfield Falcon’s game, he was very nervous about going inside to out seat because “Screech would be there”. A friend of mine told him that night that she had called ahead to the rink and told them to keep Screech away from Tyler. Thank goodness—it worked like a charm and now we can all relax and watch games! But I digress.
This week in hockey a “special guest” would be joining the kids. Knowing that last year Screech, the Falcon’s mascot joined them, we were prepared! Luckily Tyler’s fear of costumed anything does not carry over to the jolliest of them all—Santa Claus! The kids took the ice and Coach Steve told them they would play a scrimmage for practice this morning. The kids were all very excited—usually practice is all about the drills!
The catch? Santa would be goalie! What a treat! (I guess I assumed there would be lots of ice at the North Pole, but when did Santa learn to skate and be a goalie and protect his shins?)
After they were all done with their scrimmage, it was picture time with Santa. They took a group shot:
I couldn’t pass up these shots afterwards. Tyler loves playing hockey and Frank loves that he enjoys it. Frank is out there every weekend on the ice with him, helping the other kids, and encouraging them for the hour. It is great to watch and sometimes even makes me forget that I am in a freezing rink in the middle of winter!
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Saturday, December 12, 2009
All Aboard the Santa Train!
After a lot of debate about taking Tyler to the Polar Express Train, I cam across another train-themed Santa activity. There is a restaurant in Palmer, Massachusetts, Steaming Tenders, that is housed in an old train depot. It is located right next to train tracks and while you eat, you watch the trains go by. They also have an engine and an old dining train car that are both stationary on the property. This year they advertised "Cookies with Santa". The best part? A fraction of the price and a third of the drive! Because Frank was busy with hockey, I asked my friend, Elaine, if she would want to join Tyler and I with the kids, she was a go!
We arrived at the restaurant and were a bit early. We took the opportunity to snap a few pictures of the kids by the steam engine. It was massive and really cool. As you can see, Derek had no interest in looking at us when there was a huge train right over his shoulder! From there we went and waited in the reception area with Maggie the clown. Despite Maggie's friendliness, Tyler wanted no part in her or her juggling! After a bit he relaxed and loosened his grip on my hand. It also helped that a train went by right at that time and the kids glued themselves to the window! After the train left, Jingles, Santa's main elf, came and told us our cookies were just out of the oven and to come aboard!
Mrs. Claus and Jingles served us all hot chocolate and chocolate chip cookies while we waited for Santa to arrive from the North Pole!
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Monday, December 7, 2009
Green Valley Christmas Pageant
Tonight was Tyler's first ever school Christmas show. To say Frank and I were excited would have been correct! We had no idea how he would react to being in front of so many people. We also had no idea what the show was going to be like-- he kept telling us "it's a secret"!
Elaine, Olivia's mom, and I went early to get seats. We were the second set of people there! We got great seats-- third row on the isle. We both manned still cameras, video cameras, and, oh yeah, 11 seats! The guys arrived and the kids were still in one piece! Tyler made his way to the stage and found his seat: Tyler's group was one of the later ones to perform. Each child was assigned a song to sing in a smaller group. We were amazed that he sang along to the other songs as well. When it was his turn, he came to his spot and stage and was given his prop-- ice skates! The name of his song? 'A Slippery Song', all about ice skating and falling down! His teachers told me later that it was no accident he was assigned to this one!
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