This year Thanksgiving was spent on Long Island with Frank's side of the family. After a long, but safe trip, on Wednesday, we were able to spend a wonderful long weekend with the family! When we arrived on Wednesday Grandma and Papa took all the kids for an overnight stay-- always a great gift! Frank and I were able to have a delicious dinner at Vincent's Clam Bar. The ironic part? We used a gift certificate we got last Christmas!
Thanksgiving day was beautiful and warm. After the kids arrived home, they showered dressed and headed outside to play. Thank goodness for fickle East coast weather! Here Tyler is taking a break from Hide-n-Seek. He insisted on wearing the sweater despite how warm it was outside!
After running around for a bit which allowed for the adults to dress themselves, set the table, and work on cooking, the kids came in for a snack. Aunt Laurette spent a lot of time this week making chocolate lollipops for the kids:

Then it was time to play some more. Skylar and Tyler made
themselves at home at the top of the stairs where they busied themselves with their Nintendo

Soon, everyone else arrived for Thanksgiving dinner. Frank's Uncle
PJ, Aunt Linda and Uncle Bill, Mom, and Dad, all joined us at Jim and Laurette's for a yummy dinner. Not that an on time arrival threw the schedule off! At 1P.M. Frank asked Laurette if the turkey needed to be cooking yet.... That was a yes! We threw it on the grill (where it was going to be cooked anyways) and it was ready by 5P.M.!

Skylar, Tyler, and Conor enjoying a delicious Thanksgiving dinner of... Pizza!?!

For the past few weeks, Laurette and the kids, even some of the people in the neighborhood had been taking care of a stray cat, nicknamed Mosey. Mosey is very sweet and definitely takes her time, moseying from one place to the next. She has an appointment at a
veterinarian on Monday and may permanently reside with the
Fagan's. She was invited inside on Thanksgiving night
because remember that warm weather? It was windy and cold outside by evening!

No Thanksgiving is complete without Uncle Clark's, whoops, I mean Uncle Jim's house lighting! We all gathered outside and welcomed the start of the Christmas holiday season!

On Friday, we all took the kids ice skating at the beautiful new
Bethpage Ice Rink. All the kids did wonderful and stayed on the ice for over an hour! Tyler zoomed around, Conor kept right up, and Skylar came away from the wall and skated


Frank, Conor, and Tyler....
And Skylar and Uncle Jim.
It was a wonderful weekend and we are praying for a quick drive home so we can light up our tree and decorations! Happy Thanksgiving!
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