This year Thanksgiving was spent on Long Island with Frank's side of the family. After a long, but safe trip, on Wednesday, we were able to spend a wonderful long weekend with the family! When we arrived on Wednesday Grandma and Papa took all the kids for an overnight stay-- always a great gift! Frank and I were able to have a delicious dinner at Vincent's Clam Bar. The ironic part? We used a gift certificate we got last Christmas!
Thanksgiving day was beautiful and warm. After the kids arrived home, they showered dressed and headed outside to play. Thank goodness for fickle East coast weather! Here Tyler is taking a break from Hide-n-Seek. He insisted on wearing the sweater despite how warm it was outside!After running around for a bit which allowed for the adults to dress themselves, set the table, and work on cooking, the kids came in for a snack. Aunt Laurette spent a lot of time this week making chocolate lollipops for the kids:
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Posted by Ty's Mommy 0 comments
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Boston Bruins
Tonight we were able to score some great seats to the Bruins game in Boston thanks to our friends. Our seats? Second row, center. Frank and I both realized that Tyler has never had to sit in the balcony section for any of these games....what a life! Here is the view from our seats before the start of the game-- there is something about seeing the ice so smooth and clear: From our seats we could watch what was happening at the official's and the announcer's table. At times, the referee would skate over, say something to these gentlemen, and then skate off. After each period, they would leave this box and Tyler would wave to them when they came back. They really liked him!
Posted by Ty's Mommy 2 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Fall Soccer
Tyler had his last soccer game of the Fall season today. After numerous rain-outs, the sun finally decided to give these kids a chance to play! I was so excited to see how my little guy has progressed over the season.
The day started as another crazy Sunday morning with hockey at 10A.M., drive through at you-know-where for the super healthy lunch of nuggets and apple dippers, and then soccer at 12:30P.M.. In the meantime, being the soccer mom I am, I was off to my game in Connecticut at 9A.M.! Truth be told? Neither Frank or I will miss the craziness of our Sundays!Tyler and his teammate, Emma, warming up with shots on goal. I love how the shorts are so long that you can't see his knees between his socks and his shin guards!
Somehow as the season went on Frank found himself on the field as the defense coach. I guess once a coach, always a coach, no matter the sport! His best defenceman? That little guy in blue ready for action!
I had a prime seat for a throw in. Unfortunately it was a prime seat from the rear view. You get the idea, right?
Here they come!
Leaving the field for the last time :(-- so proud of the way he played! He was a great teammate, helping his fellow players up when they fell, cheering them on as they took the ball, and celebrating with them when they succeed!
Posted by Ty's Mommy 1 comments