If you live in New England, you know what the Big E is. Since it is held the last two weeks of September, right around Tyler's birthday, we always try and schedule his party for a weekend the Big E is running. Since it runs for approximately 17 days, it is not hard to find time to travel down the road to West Springfield and visit the biggest fair in the East!
Every year there is a new item to be introduced. A few years back, it was fried Twinkies. Although I never tried one, I did divulge in a fried Snickers (totally recommend it!). This years to be had item? A Craz-E Burger. What is a Craz-E Burger? Glad you asked! A bacon cheeseburger, flanked on either side by a Krispy Kreme buttered doughnut. Wow!
My dad and Frank had planned for weeks to track this diet marvel down and partake in one! Shortly after we arrived at the Big E, and found Tyler a suitable lunch (Nuggets and fries, of course), we headed down the rows of food to find the one booth that would cook a mean Craz-E Burger. The thing about the Big E? Most people go to eat-- there is no shortage of food and the booths that serve it! Luckily it did not take us long to spot this oasis:
My dad and Frank patiently waited in the line to order the $5.00 heart attack special (1500 calories if you are wondering).

The guinea pigs.

A close up of this delight. I must say delight because my curiosity got the best of me. I had to try a bite and you know what? It wasn't bad! A whole one though would be another story!
After the boys were all fed, it was time to feed the ladies. In our wandering around looking for this burger we saw many people eating very
large corn dogs. Since it had been years since my last one, I figured it was safe to try one. In this picture I am eating the medium one. They were all out of the large size.... needless to say after a few bites the novelty had worn off!

Granpy did his part for Tyler and showed him a good time in the petting zoo. Tyler was a little skeptical of the friendliness of the animals and would not leave my side or feed the animals like Granpy was brave enough to do.

Two years ago, there was a shark exhibit featured. This year there were California Seals! If you look very carefully between Tyler and I you will see one-- kind of!

Each state in the East has a state building that features items found in that state. In Connecticut there is a dinosaur themed park and they provided a dinosaur exhibit to be displayed.

Frank and Grammy.

No fair is complete without the rides! Tyler was so excited to take some spins on the motorcycles....

the Jeeps...

spinning dragons....

and the flying helicopters.

After the rides, we had to stop and play a game. Tyler opted for the duck pond (my favorite as a youngster as well!). He had to chose three ducks/frogs from the pool, each marked small, medium, and large, and the one with the largest prize won. Well.....

Tyler won a large! The man who was running the game said to him "I had no idea there were any larges in there!"

My favorite part of any fair? The pigs!

You can take the man out of Indiana but you can't take the Indiana out of the man... I guess even professors can get milk from a plastic cow!
While Granpy was milking cows, Frank was dreaming of more food. At the top of his list? Another Craz-E Burger!

The events of the afternoon were quite trying on one little guy. Believe it or not? We left the Big E the go to Tyler's soccer game. When we arrived at the field he quickly woke up and was ready to play!
That night at home, Frank gave Tyler an early birthday present: a Sydney Crosby poster! Tyler immediately demanded that it be hung in his room so he can "look at it when I sleep". No problem Ty, you will be sleeping lots tonight! What a day!
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