Today was Tyler's last "Tot Baseball" class. He really enjoyed each week and and Frank and I had so much fun watching him. What made it even better was his coach, Coach Justin. He did a really fabulous job with all the kids and made sure he had their attention at all times. As a parent, getting the attention of just one kid can be difficult, but he did it with 20!
After they practiced their throwing for the day, the group broke into 2 and did a relay race where they had to field the ball, run it back, and then return to line and sit down. Tyler's team, the red team, lost the first round, but won the second! Way to go, guys!
Tyler in line waiting for his turn.

Assuming the fielding position.
After practicing fielding and throwing, it was off to play a "mini game". Everyone on each team got a chance to bat and to play in the field. Tyler stepped right up to the plate, gripped the bat, and ripped the ball! He hit it past everyone and into the outfield. He was so proud of himself!

Taking his turn at bat. After he hit the ball, a friend turned to us and offered to be his manager... I regretfully declined, opting instead to keep it all in the family ;)!

Playing the field.
All of Tyler's friends were on the blue team. All of them did wonderful as well! I can't wait until they are really playing games.



Going after the ball in the field.

Tyler was so excited after he got his medal and shook his coaches hands. I was so proud of him. It was wonderful to watch him enjoy himself out on the field!

My, oh my, who to choose? Frank often says he wished he had as many girlfriends to choose from when he was growing up ;)..... From left to right: Olivia,
Kiki, Molly, and Tyler.

Tyler with his proud daddy.
Me and my (not so) little All-Star!