We had a wonderful Christmas this year. Grandma and Grandpa came to Massachusetts again this year to celebrate with Tyler (okay, with all off us, I suppose!). With my new job, I worked right up until Christmas Eve at 4:00 P.M. this year, but we managed to make the best of our time when I made it home. The Perry tradition is to have appetizers on Christmas Eve and to watch Christmas movies and spend time together. After a short photo session, we were all ready to chow down!
Tyler was in a great mood. I wonder why? I think he had visions of Santas dancing in his head.

Grandma and Grandpa posing with their favorite grandson! Grandpa and Tyler took a few moments to work off a bit of the holiday pounds and danced to "
Feliz Navidad"-- not once, but numerous times! I was tired just watching them!

When Grandpa and Tyler were dancing, the cat ran-- right under the tree! Poor Puck!

Our annual family shot. This one is extra special because Puck is in it! I don't think we ever had a shot of all four of us!

I forget to visit Santa this year and tell him what I wanted for Christmas! Lucky for me this strapping young Santa stopped in for a quick visit before heading to work for the night!

Tyler made sure that he laid out his cookies, milk, and carrots for Santa and his reindeer. That night, Tyler slept great! After reading "Twas the Night Before Christmas", we were worried that he would be too excited to go to bed, but he settled in like the tired little guy he was. He did call me up once, though. A plane had flown overhead and he heard the noise. Tyler asked me if it was Santa coming! I reminded him that Santa was still in South America according to the map on the computer (Who would have ever thought that we would be tracking Santa online?). In the morning, there were only crumbs left on the plate and next to the plate was a great note that Santa left for Tyler.

Tyler waited no time in opening up his stocking. Unfortunately, I was able to only to capture a his initial reactions by camcorder! He was just too quick for me! Maybe if I had some coffee before I came downstairs? Tyler was so excited to see what Santa brought him. In his stocking he had small Lego sets, hockey trading cards, and bubble bath. While he moved on to the gifts under the tree, I put the Lego sets together!

"Wow! Bumblebee Transformer! Just what I always wanted!"

What a smile! I love this shot! Tyler was so excited to open all of his gifts. It did take him awhile to realize that there were a lot of gifts to open and we were not going to have time to put the all together right away. However, by the time Christmas day was over, not a toy had been neglected! At one point during the day Tyler proclaimed this the "best Christmas ever in all his life!"

Santa heard Tyler's
wish for the Hot
Wheels Fireball Raceway. What a great looking toy! Unfortunately, it took a lot of elbow grease to put together, but totally worth it to see how excited he was opening it up and playing with it!

Santa really spoiled Tyler this year, again! His big gift was an Air Hockey table for the basement. He was so thrilled to see it and remembered that he had
played it this summer in
Wisconsin! Frank spent the better part of the afternoon putting it together! Way to go, daddy!

Another one of Tyler's favorite toys was the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars. He played with the ship and all of the guys the entire afternoon!

Santa even brought Tyler new slippers this year. How cool are these
Tyrannosaurus Rex slippers? He tried to sleep in them Christmas night, but they got in the way under the covers!

For dessert after our huge turkey dinner, birthday cake for baby Jesus! The theme this year? Star Wars with M&M's, two of Tyler's favorite things!

By mid afternoon, the air hockey table was ready for some action! We had time to play some games and so far Tyler is undefeated!

Three generations of Perry/
Genovese's sharing a Christmas hug!
Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! Love the dinosaur slippers... too cool!!!
Merry Christmas! It looks like you had a fun time. :)
What a wonderful Christmas you all had! Doesn't having a little one just add a whole new level of happiness and excitement to the holidays?! Looks like Tyler will be busy playing for months- he must have been a very good boy this year :)!
That looks like a perfect Christmas! Sorry you had to work so late on the eve, but looks like you enjoyed yourself regardless. I want, er, I mean JACK wants to come and play air hockey! OK, OK...so it's really me who wants to play - I.LOVE.AIR.HOCKEY!!
You had so many great pictures--I don't even know where to start! I love the family picture and the one of you and Frank. I also love all of the candid pics of Tyler opening and playing with his presents. Too cute!
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