On Tuesday I found out there was no one using the ice before my team's practice. Instead of letting good ice go to waste, I brought Tyler to the rink for some extra practice. We packed a stick, grabbed some pucks, and went to town! Tyler posing with his stick and puck, preparing to take a shot on goal. Just him and me alone on the ice for an hour. Nice form, great smile!!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Watch out Sidney Crosby!
Posted by Ty's Mommy 1 comments
Sunday, December 28, 2008
I love my...
New bathroom!
For awhile now, our master bathroom has been steadily falling apart. When we first came and looked at the house before buying it, I really did not fall in love with this room, so I can not say I was sorry when the pink floor tile started buckling and coming up with the vacuum! Frank and I asked around and found a friend's dad to help out with the job, so we happily went to work demoing the room. Unfortunately, the job took a lot longer than expected, but the end result was well worth it! All in all it took 3 weeks to finish and a lot of sweeping, mopping, and patience on our part! Frank doing his part as my demo man. He was happy to get in there and de-pink the room!
Posted by Ty's Mommy 2 comments
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Fermi Hockey
Today we took Grandma and Grandpa to Frank's hockey game. Today the Fermi Falcon's were taking on Conard High School in Connecticut. This season is especially important to Frank, he is hoping to make it to the 100 win mark! After today's 3-2 win, he is on his way! A shot of Frank, waaaaay over there, coaching! His second home is behind the bench.
Posted by Ty's Mommy 1 comments
Thursday, December 25, 2008
The Best Christmas Ever!
We had a wonderful Christmas this year. Grandma and Grandpa came to Massachusetts again this year to celebrate with Tyler (okay, with all off us, I suppose!). With my new job, I worked right up until Christmas Eve at 4:00 P.M. this year, but we managed to make the best of our time when I made it home. The Perry tradition is to have appetizers on Christmas Eve and to watch Christmas movies and spend time together. After a short photo session, we were all ready to chow down! Tyler was in a great mood. I wonder why? I think he had visions of Santas dancing in his head.
Posted by Ty's Mommy 5 comments
At home with the Genovese's, 2008
I must first give kudos to a fellow blogger, Kelly, who gave me the idea behind this post. She had a great post about documenting the decorating at home during the holiday. I am proud of some of my Christmas decorations that we have. Last year I finally found the time to follow through on some of my ideas for the house. Here are some of them: Each window of the house has a wreath, red velvet ribbon, and a candle. The bushes all have lights, and the moose in the yard lights up and moves! It looks really nice at night and we stand out on our street-- we are the only decorated house! On the front porch is an antique sled and a small Christmas tree. The front door sports a pair of antique hockey skates.
I hope you enjoyed the brief tour through our house this year! I hope that next year I will remember to do this in the beginning and commemorate all of our decorating! My goal is to expand into the bedrooms more. No sense at stopping on the main floor! Happy holidays!
Posted by Ty's Mommy 3 comments
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Twelve Days of Christmas
As Tyler gets older, Christmas has been getting a lot more fun! Having him around Frank and I at Christmas reminds Frank and I of our childhood Christmases! Here are 12 fun facts about Tyler this Christmas season:
1. Tyler loves Frosty the Snowman. And Rudolph. And Charlie Brown's Christmas. Our DVR is filled with every Christmas special that has been on since Thanksgiving. Watching these shows with him has been an immediate time warp for Frank and I. After all, who doesn't love the Land of Misfit Toys? Tyler wanted to make a Frosty of his own last weekend, but the snow was too light and fluffy.
2. Tyler did not grasp the whole "Santa is watching" thing for a long time. He would say to us "but I don't see him" and "where is he?" when we would tell him that Santa is making sure that Tyler makes the nice list.
3. There is a house in Springfield that is totally decked out in lights and coordinates to the music on a radio station. It is a great sight. One night I remembered about the house and Tyler was in a bit of a funk. I drove him by the house and parked on the street. We sat and watched the house "perform" for 15 minutes. In one of the front windows there is a Santa image that moves around and waves. Every time Santa waved, Tyler would wave back. The first night we were there, Tyler said "See you soon, Santa!" Tyler now refers to this house as "Santa's house". Since that night we have made a few stops at this house each time to see if Santa was home.
4. During our visit to Santa this year at the mall, Tyler was not easily convinced that Santa wanted to see him. Tyler even requested that Rexy, his Tyrannosaurus Rex come with us. We hung back for awhile and watched some infants take their place on his lap. Eventually Tyler decided that he wanted to get in line as well. We made our way up there and he introduced Rexy to Santa, and when Santa asked what Tyler wanted this year, Tyler said "I don't know." Santa then said to Tyler "Do you know what I want?" and Tyler said "Yes." Santa replied "I want you to sit on my lap and take a picture!" Tyler did just this and now we have a great picture of Santa, Tyler, and Rexy!
5. After our success at Thanksgiving with donating to the Food Bank, I decided that Tyler needed to also help make another child happy at Christmas. When I asked him if he would like to help give presents to another child who may not get any thing year he said "Yes!". I arranged to "adopt" a 3-year-old boy, Alexis, from my old job at MSPCC. Alexis wanted trucks and blocks for Christmas. Tyler and I took some time and wandered around Target and found a car carrier, some Matchbox cars, and some car-themed warm clothes. Tyler was not immediately thrilled about the prospect of giving these really cool things away, but we kept explaining that he was going to make some other people really happy. We wrapped the gift and dropped it off at MSPCC, and when we did, he said "That is for my friend, Alex."
6. On our Christmas tree, there are numerous ornaments that are significant to events in our lives: first house, first Christmas together, baby's first Christmas, etc. Tyler loves to go around the tree and check on these and make sure that they are all still there. His favorite one is a silver ornament which opens to a baby picture of him. It has to be on the tree in the open position!
7. A few days ago we were in the kitchen making dinner. Tyler walked through and he was humming! After listening to him for awhile, I realized that he was humming "Jingle Bells"!
8. We have two fire places in our house. The other night, we read a book called "In a House With No Chimney, How Does Santa Get In?". I guess it was food for thought for a 4-year-old. He really could not figure out which one Santa will come in. After a lot of thought, he did settle on the living room chimney because it is closer to the tree.
9. While watching television and seeing a commercial for toys, Tyler will say "I want that!" or "I don't want that, that's for girls!". I had to explain to him that as a boy, he can play with girl stuff and vice versa. After all, he plays house with his friends and cousins!
10. Tyler loves to see mangers and look for the baby Jesus figures. Trying to really instill the reason for the Christmas season, I reminded him that Christmas is Jesus's birthday and he was such a loving and wonderful person that he wanted us to receive presents instead of taking them for himself.
11. For the first time, Tyler and I baked cookies this year. We had a lot of fun following the list and finding the ingredients in the grocery store and taking them home and following the recipe. Tyler likes to pull the stools up to the counter, it takes him to the right height to help out. While we rolled the sugar cookie dough out, he insisted on helping with the flour. Did I mention that the stools are covered in a dark, denim material? Did I mention that white flour and denim do not mix? On the other hand, my white tile floors and white counter tops survived a 4-year-old and flour just fine!
12. Eventually, after a lot of prodding, Tyler asked for 1 thing this year. The Matchbox Fire Ball Track. When we got back in the car after seeing Santa, he said "I forgot to tell him what I wanted!". He was almost in tears. That was when I explained to him that Santa already knows what he wanted, he is magic. Hopefully this will hit home when he actually opens the gift tomorrow! There is nothing better than seeing excitement on his face!
Posted by Ty's Mommy 1 comments
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Snow Day!
This is the scene at our house over the last 3 days! After a very mild winter season so far, we paid for it this weekend. Dearly! Up until Friday, the only snow we had received so far was the inch the weekend before. I knew it was too good to be true! Frank, on the other hand, was so excited to fire up the new snow blower and put it to work!
Frank had no school on Friday because the snow was predicted to start around noon. He decided that morning that he would keep Tyler at home with him. Me, on the other hand, I dragged myself out of bed, showered, dressed, and left the house at 7:30am. On the way to work, I checked the "snow line" for our company. For ha-has only. After all, it wasn't snowing yet and I could work most of the day before it got really bad outside. But what did this snow line say? At 7:45am on Friday it said we were closed! UGH! I quickly remembered that I now had a snow day and could stay at home with my guys and rest, too! I made a quick trip to Target and a few other places (after all, I was dressed and ready for the day!), and then circled on back home! This was the view on Saturday. If you look really hard, you can see that it is still snowing! We got about 10 inches from Friday into Saturday. The weatherman said that there would be a few intermittent snow flurries on Saturday....
Posted by Ty's Mommy 3 comments