After dinner tonight we thought we would take advantage of the nice weather and have some ice cream. Frank chose
Friendly's for ice cream. He was secretly craving their Reece's Pieces Sundae! Tyler has been very into E.T. over the past week and we watch it every night before bed-- he loves the part where Elliot lures E.T. into the house with the candy. Anyways, I digress! We headed on over to
Friendly's, ordered our ice cream, and sat outside at a table. Tyler quickly tired of his usual vanilla soft serve and M&M's and ran around on the grass for a bit (that gave me a chance to polish his ice cream off. Isn't that what kids are for?). At one point, he came over to us and said "Look! Tree Barf!"... I had to capture the moment on film, so enjoy our laugh of the day!
As a side note, sorry about the movie orientation! I have no idea what I was thinking or what I was doing!
That is hysterical! I love how he kept saying it. So precious. He was so serious about it, too! :)
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