Just like everyone else I talk to, we are suffering here from the heat. I am anxiously awaiting the storms that are predicted for tomorrow night. They are supposed to signal the end to this heat wave, but it is still supposed to be 89 degrees on Wednesday (that is still heat to me...). On my ride home tonight the car and the banks registered 99-102 degrees....
Unfortunately, my plants and my garden are all suffering. After dinner I went outside to water everything and Tyler joined me. I decided that he needed a bit of colling off as well, so I turned the sprinkler on for him.... I finally got a good shot of my Energizer Bunny. I used the black and white on my camera.
A short video I took. It's not that great of quality, I had to keep my distance because of the sprinkler and the camera. Don't think it didn't cross my mind to join him!
I love that b&w picture! He looks so grown up. He looks so much like Frank, too (sorry, Jennifer...we have the same thing at our house).
He is such a stitch! I can't wait to see you guys and watch him and Jack play together.
I agree- that is a great picture! He does look grown up. It sure does look like he had fun!
I can't believe it has been so hot out there! It has been in the upper 80s to around 90 here, and that is about all I can handle. Actually, I can't even handle THAT!
Hopefully you will get an end soon, before your garden suffers anymore. Your backyard sure does look green! Oh, and what an AWESOME backyard! It looks perfect! :)
Looks like fun! That black and white picture turned out great! How did he get so big already?!
Love the black and white picture! He's such a handsome little kid!!!
Love the dancing with the sprinkler. I can't wait to set ours up now!
Not that I'm consciously trying to be a copycat of your blog layout- it just kinda happened when I saw how cool it was to add a personal picture to the top and ended up picking the same template :)! Bue since is is starting to mirror yours, for the life of me I can't figure out how to add quotes and pictures to the side like you have the family quote. Help?!
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