Okay, the secret is out. Tyler loves hockey.
While we were eating dinner last night, Frank said that hockey season was almost over. Tyler replied that there was still basketball. I asked him who his favorite basketball team is-- IU (!), who his favorite baseball team is-- Yankees, who his favorite football team is-- Packers... So far, he was batting .100. UNTIL I asked him who is his favorite hockey team was. He said the Detroit Red Wings! I thought that Frank was going to have a heart attack right there, at the table. He held it together, though. Frank has been, and always will be, a New York Islanders fan. Grew up watching them, and I am sure that they will be on his TV when Tyler is Frank's age. Anyways, a bit more background on the Red Wings. We think his fascination with them comes from Frank, ironic enough! One of the teams that Frank plays on is the Red Wings. So hopefully this is a stage and Tyler will make his dad proud one day and answer that question differently....
Tonight I was running around putting stuff away and I came into the kitchen/ice rink and found this: I guess a heated game was going on, so I took a seat on the floor to watch/play and I looked over and saw this:
I guess Puck didn't want to miss out on the action. By the way, she is sitting on Frank's hockey bag, which he had dragged up from the basement to go play tonight. I also decided that it would be a good time to try and catch some real hockey action, so I took a little video. Watch what goes on in my kitchen! I was really kind of scared to be on the floor in close proximity to his stick! As I was sitting there, I was able to notice what kind of shape my kitchen cabinets were in-- they were all dented and dinged up. Not to mention the refrigerator and dishwasher are in a very sorry state, and I am sure there demise will be sped up by a certain hockey player at 4 Brookside Circle-- no worry! I look forward to the kitchen remodel! Enjoy the video!
By the way, when I ask him what the score is, he says "50 miles". Huh?
Oh my gosh, I was cracking up watching that! He is so talkative! I love it when he says, "Oh yeah, yeah." So funny.
He has got some really good moves! I think you have a future hockey star on your hands there. I love his hockey stick- from Chicago, right? It is perfect for him! By the way, can I have some of his energy???? :) What a cutie!
Great video! You definitely have a hockey star on your hands- Frank must be so proud!
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