A picture says a thousand words they say. Hopefully these will tell the story of tonight's adventure! Tonight as Tyler was climbing out of the tub, he slipped. I, being the great mother I am, hugged him and asked him where it hurt. I could not figure out why he was crying so hard. I didn't see any blood, his teeth were all where they were supposed to be, what was wrong? Then he lifted his chin. I. Saw. The. Gash. Immediately, Frank and I got out clothes changed, got him dressed, grabbed his milk (after all, it was bedtime!) and away we went. All Tyler kept saying when we told him he had to go see the doctor was "I feel better now." He was still wimpering, though....
We got to the hospital and we checked in. Tyler went to the children's area and in no time at all he was coloring and reading and chatting away. Another family walked in with their son who was about the same ago as Ty and you could tell he was really sick, not just hanging out like we were. Before long, the nurse took us into the triage area and tried to strike up a conversation with our son who was now keeping his chin glued to his chest. After a little bit he warmed up to her and told her "I have Cartoon Network at home." She asked "Cool! Can I come over and watch?" Tyler replied. "No." In a few years, he will be begging nurses to come and hang out with him!
When we got to our assigned gurney (bed number 1, found by Tyler) another nurse came and put some medicine on his chin and showed us all how to use the cool T.V. We fought over hockey and baseball (Frank and I were all set to order Chinese food and watch the Yanks-Red Sox tonight.... those plans have changed). The doctor finally came a took one look at Tyler and said, "That's a good one!" She numbed him up, stitched him up (five to be exact) and away we went! A nurse let him raid the sticker container and he picked out a slew and then another nurse came and gave him even more. By this time, both baseball and hockey had lost out and Ben 10 (against my better judgement) on the Cartoon Network had won the battle of programming for our gurney.
Tyler was the trooper of all troopers tonight and will get a BIG hug and a BIG kiss from the both of us tomorrow when he wakes! He hardly cried and listened to everything the nurses and doctors told him! The good news is the stitches come out Friday, just in time to catch our flight to Florida! Coloring in the waiting room.
Showing off his cut and his Elmo ID band (they really knew he was coming there)!
Waiting for the magic medicine to work. The nurse said he looked like Abe Lincoln, but I said Santa Claus....
After the battle. All stitched up, armed with stickers, and ready to hit the sack. What a guy! We love you Ty and are soooooo proud of you!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!
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I'm such a baby. I was getting teary-eyed just reading about this! Poor Tyler! I know these things happen, though. What a trooper he was. At least it happened while you were at home, and not while you were in Florida, right? He just has the cutest, sweetest little face, stitches and all!
Sorry to hear that your evening plans were changed as a result. Ahhh, such is the life of parents, right? :)
Oh no!!! Poor guy, but what a brave little man, tho!! I'm v impressed by YOUR bravery, too. To see your own child's blood...oye...you're good parents! His first battle scar - hopefully not the first of many.
Poor guy :( - that darn tub will do it every time!! Miss Kylie has had many close calls herself. Looks like he really was a trooper-so little yet so brave :)!! It must have been a weekend of "chin injuries" as Kylie totally bruised hers yesterday as a result of crashing her knee into it while diving off of her bunk bed leadder! Hopefully you can order take out tonight- you guys deserve it!
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