When I stopped to think this morning (after my cup of coffee, of course), I realized that Tyler starts school in eleven days. In eleven days, I will have a kindergartner. I can't believe it. Not only is this summer over, but my oldest baby will be in school. I then realized that with all the chaos in our house over the last few weeks, he may be a little anxious and I wanted to spend some time preparing him for his big day. After all it will be here before we know it!
I saw in a magazine ideas for how to countdown the days. I adjusted one of the ideas and came up with a paper chain-- each link marking a day. The idea was to rip a link off as each day passed. As Tyler was working on the project, he said that he did not want to take it apart but instead leave it like it is, which was fine by me!
We cut the links, decorated them with stickers and markers, and then glued them together. Tyler was so excited to be working on something! Here is Tyler with the finished product (ignore the fact that he is still in his jammies!):On each link I wrote the date. Here is the "last" day, aka., first day of school:
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
School Countdown!
Posted by Ty's Mommy 2 comments
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
A Big Brother's Perspective
One of the things I packed in my bag was an old camera fro Tyler to use. As soon as he heard that he was going to be able to take his own pictures, he went to work-- to the tune of nearly 100 pictures! Unfortunately, shortly after bringing Colby home the camera stopped working :(. I am sure that the Birthday Fairy is listening for ideas right about now.
Here are some of the shots Tyler took: Mom shortly after Colby's birth.
Posted by Ty's Mommy 3 comments
Monday, August 9, 2010
Baby's First Bath
Colby had his first bath at home today. It was a family affair, as Tyler could not wait to see his little brother in the same tub that we once used to clean him!
After gathering all of the necessary supplies, it was time for the big scrub down: Tyler was a huge help. Not only did he make sure that the water temperature was good, but he also helped wash and rinse. What an awesome big brother!
All done, dressed, and ready for the day!
Posted by Ty's Mommy 3 comments
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Baby's First Outing
Frank's hockey team had one of their fundraisers this past weekend. After being cooped up in the hospital for five days and then at home for the next few, we decided to all head out (Colby included) to enjoy lunch, visit with people and try and win some great prizes.
After lunch, Frank and I realized something. Our son's first outing was to a Sport's Bar. Seriously, what were we thinking? Oh well, a memory for the baby book!
Colby was excellent, slept the entire time, allowing all of us to eat and enjoy a nice meal. Tyler had a blast hanging out by the pool table with the players and placing his tickets into the raffle. What did he want to win? It was a toss-up between the Dunkin Donuts basket with the gift card that would buy "lots of doughnuts!" or the movie basket. What did he win? The Dunkin Donuts basket! Frank and I were excited because it included coffee-- a must in our lives right now!
Posted by Ty's Mommy 0 comments
Thursday, August 5, 2010
After five long days in the hospital Thursday was the day that we most looked forward to. It meant that Colby was coming home!
We told everyone to stay at home in the morning, that we would see them when we arrived. It was a good thing, too. There were doctors, nurses, midwives, and other hospital staff coming to see us, check in, and do other discharge business. Colby was checked by the pediatrician and given a clean bill of health. I was given all the things I was going to need to be comfortable at home for the next few days. Frank was not left out, he was able to ask all the questions that were weighing on our minds now that we would be able to leave the building. After all, it has been almost six long years since we had a little guy at home!
In the 36 hours since his birth, Colby has already changed. Most noticeable is his head and face. His head no longer sports the "point" and he appears to be growing into his face, especially his cheeks. His right eye and face have some bruising/burst blood vessels. We were told that this was due to the rapid speed in which he was born and that it will clear up and go away. He has been more alert and showing us his eyes, especially this morning. Frank was holding him and when we spoke to him and called him by name, he would turn his head and seek us out.
Posted by Ty's Mommy 0 comments
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The Little One
Little did I know that this past weekend would be the last of my pregnancy. After checking in with my midwife, Tina, on Friday, the decision to induce was placed on the back burner unless my blood pressure continued to rise over the weekend. So when Frank and I left her office on Friday morning with the anticipation that I would be back next week. After all, my due date is August 4th. However, things never go according to plan and after a check of my blood pressure on Sunday at Walgreens, it was elevated, and I called my midwife who directed me back to the triage unit at Mercy Hospital. This time, I knew I would not be coming home the same night.
And I was right.
By 5:30P.M., we were checking into the Morning Glory room at the Family Life Center at Mercy Hospital. Carolyn, my midwife Tina's sister (in spirit only), made the decision for us, and the plan was made to start inducing labor that night. I was not hopeful that our newest Genovese would be there by the morning. After all, Tyler took two rounds of inducing before he made his way into the world. After the Cervadil was given, Tyler came for a short visit with all four of his grandparents. By 9P.M., Frank and I were enjoying dinner for the night.The next day, everyone came to hang out with us for the day. There was not much going on in the labor department, I remained 2 centimeters dilated and our newest addition proved that he was more comfortable in the safe confines of my belly than in the real world. We took the opportunity to take some last pictures of our family as we knew it. Little did we know that things would change in the next 24 hours!
Posted by Ty's Mommy 1 comments
Sunday, August 1, 2010
While Frank and I were settling into the hospital for the night, our phone rang. Immediately, we panicked, thinking Tyler was having a hard time and thus giving his grandparents a hard time for the night.
Boy were we wrong!
Tyler had been sent upstairs to brush his teeth for the night. In the middle of brushing his teeth, he complained that he had something hard in his mouth... After checking it out, a tooth was found! Tyler lost his first tooth!Although Frank and I were a bit sad that we were not there to see it for ourselves or to play Tooth Fairy for the night, we were super excited for him! We also could not think of a more appropriate time for something like this to happen. After all, what better sign of growing up is there?
The Tooth Fairy did find her way to our house and left Tyler with TEN DOLLARS! He was so happy to show off his new gap to everyone at the hospital when he came for a visit the next day. I, of course, remember him as the little guy who just started getting teeth!
Posted by Ty's Mommy 0 comments