You like the view, don't you? I can tell you I do!This past weekend we traveled to Becket, Massachusetts in the Berkshires to spend the weekend with our friends, the Helberg's, at their family cottage. Despite the slightly cruddy weather, we all had a great time! Thanks, Glen, Elaine, Livie, and Derek for a fun weekend!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Bring on Becket!
Posted by Ty's Mommy 2 comments
Monday, June 29, 2009
Pop Rockin'!
A few weeks ago my supervisor, Katherine, brought me a little gift. Pop Rocks! Remember those? It had been a long time since I had even thought about them much less had them in my possession! After thinking about it for a bit, the "Tyler Experiment" was born and I promised to report back about the findings.
Disclaimer: No child was harmed in the process of completing this experiment! The Before picture.
"What are these, mommy?"
Posted by Ty's Mommy 1 comments
Monday, June 15, 2009
Soccer Mom!
After a 13-year hiatus from the soccer field, I made the leap and jump back onto the field. A friend I had worked with at MSPCC would talk about the team she played on every season and ask me to play. I always thought about it but never did it. Until this year. The season started in April and will end this Sunday. I can admit that I will miss it. Prior to my first game another friend told me that it is great to get out and play and if anything it "reminds you that you are still alive each week". She is right.
I grew up playing soccer. I started as a young girl in California and played year round in high school. In college I played intramural soccer. Since graduating from I.U. the closest I got to a game of soccer was kicking a rock in a parking lot! The first game was a shock. Needless to say I am out of shape, I am not a young girl anymore and these women are good. This is no beer league and I thoroughly have enjoyed it. I wish the season was longer and games were more than once a week! Holding up the defensive zone....
Posted by Ty's Mommy 3 comments
Thank goodness it's Monday!
This past weekend, we hosted a houseful for a weekend of fun. On Friday, Uncle Jim came with Conor and Skylar and Grandma. As soon as the van pulled into the driveway, Tyler went into play mode. There was no stopping until Sunday afternoon! We had a great meal at Mountain View on Friday night, complete with ice cream with sprinkles for dessert. The kids eventually passed out sometime in the 10 o'clock hour after numerous trips upstairs for the parental warnings for quiet!
None of us parents were concerned about the late bedtime. After all, these kids flat out, no doubt, love each other and have a great time together! It wasn't until the next morning at 4:30A.M. that we heard the bedroom door creak and the whispers of 3 wide-awake kids ready to play heading on down the stairs. As tired as us moms and dads were, we corralled them back into the bedroom for a bit more shut-eye. An hour and a half later they were up again, for good!After getting dressed and eating breakfast, we waited for Papa to come with Frank's Uncle Bill and Aunt Joanne. The plan was for the men to golf for the afternoon and the women to stay at home with the kids. By the time noon rolled around, there was not a toy left untouched in the house and it was time to head out. The men left at that point as well. Luckily the weather strayed from the weekly routine of rain and provided us with some sun and warmer temps.
Posted by Ty's Mommy 1 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
Little Drummer Boy
Posted by Ty's Mommy 2 comments