Tonight, Elaine and I decided meet at the East Longmeadow library for story time. We got the kids dressed in their pajamas and arrived on time for..... NOTHING! Turns out that this was an off week and there was no story time! Instead, we had 2 kids, in their pajamas (complete with Diego and Lightning McQueen slippers!), excited for story time, and a quiet, empty library. All parents know what that means! CHAOS! The kids ran, and played, and had a great time with each other-- had we been in a park! So, they sat for the 5 mintues it took them to color their Gingerbread Man door hangers, and we decided it was time to go. Instead of heading home, we thought that it would be more fun to take them to get ice cream at Friendly's. Here are a few shots of their first official "date": I can call it a date because at one point, Elaine and I were talking and we looked over and the two of them were k-i-s-s-i-n-g!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM!
Posted by Ty's Mommy 3 comments
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Saturday! Saturday!
"This is really cool! These are the same guys that are on the ice, in white!"
Daddy and Ty hamming it up for the camera. Is he Frank's son or what?
Mommy and Ty having a Kodak moment. If you look on the left, you can see the 'Boni driver who gave Ty the puck! (His new best friend!)
Posted by Ty's Mommy 4 comments
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Ice, Ice, Baby!
"I'm ready, daddy, let's go!"
"How am I supposed to get over this wall? Where is the door?"
"Let's go! Put the camera away! I will help you onto the ice so yuo don't fall, daddy!"
Today was the first official day of Winter Break for Frank. He decided to spend some extra special time with Tyler, so they called in to Tyler's school this morning and played hookey at the rink. Tyler finally got to break in his new skates that Grandpa bought him at Christmas and they worked great! (They made Tyler skate REALLY fast!) After over an hour at the rink, Tyler and Frank called it quits and went and had lunch. It was a great morning for them both!
As a side note, tonight when we were putting Tyler to bed, we asked him what he wanted to listen to on the CD player. Tyler promptly said "The Motrin CD", to which we both corrected him and said "Oh, you mean Mozart?". To which our little guy quickly CORECTED us and said, "No, the MOTRIN CD!"
Posted by Ty's Mommy 3 comments
Monday, February 18, 2008
A Night at the Museum....
One of Tyler's big interests over the last few months has been dinosaurs. Last week, the Springfield Science Museum welcomed a new traveling exhibit-- Dinosaurs! Land, Sea, Air. We all decided that we needed to go and check it out, especially after hearing how cool it was from all of Tyler's school friends. Never having been to the museum, we had no idea what to expect. The first room we walked in to had a HUGE T-Rex model and that was enough for Tyler-- he was FREAKED! All the explaining in the world couldn't convince him that it was f-a-k-e! He had the same reaction to the African Animal exhibit and we had to carry him as we made our way to the special exhibit....
The special dinosaur exhibit was full of motorized dinosaurs. He was still a bit scared, but after awhile, he ran from one dinosaur to the next, dug for dinosaur "fossils", crawled through a volcano, and even did a crayon rubbing of a Stegosaurus. We spent hours at the Science Museum and even after we were done with the special exibit and went and saw all the other animals they had on display, Tyler kept wanting to go back in and see the motorized dinos again. Needless to say, we were all exhausted by the time we left and our little big man fell asleep on the way out.
On the way home, we decided to go to our favorite pizza restaurant, The Pizza Shoppe. On Sunday nights they feature a singer that does only kid songs. Parents know that the best thing about going to out to eat is when you don't have to worry about 1) cooking, 2) cleaning, and 3) being in a restaurant that is louder than you know your kid can be! "You promise that she can't get me?"
"I wonder if he knows how to play hockey? Did they have sticks when the dinosaurs were alive? Did he like Lighting McQueen or Mater? Do they have to go to the dentist?"
"How much longer do we have to dig through this sand until we get the the dinosaur? Can't we just use a vacuum?"
Posted by Ty's Mommy 1 comments
Friday, February 15, 2008
Open Wide!
Posted by Ty's Mommy 4 comments
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day!
I had the pleasure of picking Tyler up from "school" today. He was so excited, you would have thought it was Christmas! I couldn't wait to get home and help him look at all of his valentine's from his friends. (I guess the new thing this year is tattoos with them, so we will be applying them after bath!) However, I told Tyler that since daddy has a hockey game tonight, that we would have a fun mommy and Ty-Ty night. Where did he choose? McDonalds. Talk about romance! We headed over and he ate and played in the play area. It was great fun! When we came home, he wanted to smell my flowers from daddy and I had to snap this shot-- Just seeing him in this picture makes me anxious for first dates, prom, marriage-- am I getting ahead of myself? Anyways, we hope you all have a great night and we will be thinking of all our friends at 6:45PM tomorrow when the babysitter comes!
Posted by Ty's Mommy 3 comments
Monday, February 11, 2008
Who's the Boss?
Tonight when Frank and I were cleaning up dinner, Frank asked Tyler, "Who's the boss?" and Tyler said "You are, daddy." I then asked Tyler, "Who's the REAL boss?" and Tyler replied "You are, mommy!"
How quickly they learn!
Posted by Ty's Mommy 2 comments
Saturday, February 9, 2008
These Boots Are Made for Walking....
Posted by Ty's Mommy 1 comments
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Thank Goodness the Weekend is Over!
Tyler and Cousin Conor hamming in up between laps....
Pretending to sleep-- this was the only time they sat still long enough to get a group shot!
Hanging like a monkey at Kid's Stuff.
I had to throw this shot in-- look at the room! It was a pig sty! All of the stuffed animals were strewen all about and the bed turned into a trampoline/wrestling ring!
Posted by Ty's Mommy 4 comments
And to all a Good Knight......
Posted by Ty's Mommy 2 comments
Sunday, February 3, 2008
While Some Were Watching Football......
Posted by Ty's Mommy 2 comments